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Generating and Executing Fill Scripts

This documentation assumes you have an understanding of Page Detail Collection, which is the first part of the Autofill process.

Once the page details have been collected from the page source by the autofill.js content script, the next step is to generate what we call a "fill script". A fill script is a sequence of instructions that tell the autofill.js content script what fields to fill and with what data it should fill each field.

The generation of fill scripts is the responsibility of the AutofillService. There are three method used to perform fill script generation:

  • doAutoFill()
  • doAutoFillOnTab()
  • doAutoFillActiveTab()

All of these methods will execute the same generateFillScript() private method to actually generate the fill script, but the separate methods provide different entry points for syntactic sugar.

Generating the fill script

The generation of the fill script takes place in the generateFillScript() method. We will examine in more detail how the script is generated below.


The following information is provided to the generateFillScript() method:

  1. The page details, which represent the information collected from the page in autofill.js. It includes:
    • A list of AutoFillForm objects, representing each Form on the page
    • A list of AutoFillField objects, representing each Field on the page
  2. The CipherView to fill in on the page
  3. The user's fill options


The result of the generation routine is a fill script, which is a series of instructions (hence "script") to tell the filler what to do to the page.

The script contains an array of instructions with the following types, each of which has a corresponding opid unique identifier to tie it to an element on the page details:

Instruction TypeDescription
click_on_opidClick on the element represented by opid
focus_by_opidSet focus to the element represented by opid
fill_by_opidFill the element represented by opid with value value

The goal of these instructions is to simulate - to the best of our ability - how the page would respond to an actual user entering the value into the HTML element. This is why you will see a Click -> Focus -> Fill sequence often; that simulates what a user would do when entering data.


The logic for generating the script has two parts:

  • Handle custom fields, and
  • Handle Cipher type-specific fields

For custom fields, the logic is straightforward: the user has defined the field attribute name, so we just need to find it in the DOM. If a matching field is found, we find its opid and add three commands to the script:

  1. click_on_opid
  2. focus_by_opid
  3. fill_by_opid

For Cipher type-specific fields, the logic is dependent upon the type. We will look at each one in turn below.


The core of a Login type is a username and password. The easiest field to find is often the password, so the routine looks for a password field and then tries to find the most likely candidate for a username field that is nearby in the DOM.

For each field in the Page Details collected from the DOM, we check to see if the following properties contain the word "password":

  • htmlID
  • htmlName
  • placeholder

These will be our "password fields" to fill in on the forms.

Now, we loop through each form on the page. For each of these forms, we examine each password field, find the password field on the form, and then try to find the corresponding username field. This is done by looking at all fields in the Page Details prior to the password in the DOM and finding either:

  • An exact match from the UsernameFieldNames list, or
  • The text, email, or telephone field closest to the password field in the DOM

If we can't find any forms that have our password fields on them, we take the first password field on the page and use the input field just before it as the username.

Handle Pages with no Password Fields

If we can't find any password fields on the page at all, we use a "fuzzy match" to see if there are any username matches. We don't want to put any passwords based on a fuzzy match and accidentally exposing them on the screen; these are just usernames. We use this list to do the fuzzy match against. We remove all carriage returns, line breaks, and casing on the Page Details fields and compare against this list, looking for a potential match.

Adding the Fill Instructions

If we are able to find matching username and password fields, we add instructions to the fill script for each of them, by opid:

  1. click_on_opid
  2. focus_by_opid
  3. fill_by_opid


The goal of the logic on the Card fill is to find the fields on the page to match the typical credit card entry:

  • Cardholder Name
  • Card Number
  • Card Expiration Month
  • Card Expiration Year
  • Card Security Code (CCV)
  • Card Brand

To attempt to autofill the card information, we loop through every field on the Page Details array. For that field, we then loop through all of the field's attributes from the CardAttributes list:

  • autoCompleteType
  • data-stripe
  • htmlName
  • htmlID
  • label-tag
  • placeholder
  • label-left
  • label-top
  • data-recurly

In the CreditCardAutoFillConstants, we define a static list of possible matching values for each of the fields on the Card Cipher type. For example, we define a CardHolderFieldNames array, which has all of the attribute values that we look for to find the likely "Cardholder Name" field in the DOM - and thus the field we want to fill with the cardholder's name. We use the isFieldMatch() method on the AutoFillService to compare each attribute's value on each field to see if it matches.

If we are able to find matching fields, we add instructions to the fill script for each of them, by opid:

  1. click_on_opid
  2. focus_by_opid
  3. fill_by_opid


The goal of the logic on the Identity fill is to find the fields on the page to match the identity defined in Bitwarden, with the following fields:

  • Title
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Username

To attempt to autofill the identity information, we loop through every field on the Page Details array. For that field, we then loop through all of the field's attributes from the IdentityAttributes list:

  • autoCompleteType
  • data-stripe
  • htmlName
  • htmlID
  • label-tag
  • placeholder
  • label-left
  • label-top
  • data-recurly

In the IdentityAutoFillConstants, we define a static list of possible matching values for each of the fields on the Identity Cipher type. For example, we define a FirstnameFieldNames array, which has all of the attribute values that we look for to find the likely "First Name" field in the DOM - and thus the field we want to fill with the identity's first name. We use the isFieldMatch() method on the AutoFillService to compare each attribute's value on each field to see if it matches.

If we are able to find matching fields, we add instructions to the fill script for each of them, by opid:

  1. click_on_opid
  2. focus_by_opid
  3. fill_by_opid

Performing the Fill

When the script has been generated, the AutoFillService issues a fillForm command. The autofill.js content script is listening for that command and performs the action of filling in the content on the page based on the instructions in the script.