JumpCloud provides an LDAP-as-a-service with a free tier that you can use for testing.
The JumpCloud free tier is limited to 10 users and you won't get the nice pre-generated data you get with the OpenLDAP setup.
Setup JumpCloud
Create an account with JumpCloud and log in
Create a user and bind that user to a directory. There should be a default directory you can use for this called JumpCloud LDAP. Refer to the JumpCloud help documentation for instructions
Create an Administrator user and bind that user to the same directory. You'll use this user to authenticate Directory Connector with JumpCloud
Configure Directory Connector
Run the Directory Connector Electron app (see the build instructions)
Log in using the organization API key
Use the configuration settings below
Directory Settings
For these settings, you'll need your JumpCloud organization ID. You can find this in the JumpCloud Admin Console → User Authentication → LDAP → [your LDAP server].
Type: Active Directory / LDAP
Server Hostname: ldap.jumpcloud.com
Server Port: 636
Root Path: o=[Your JumpCloud Organization ID],dc=jumpcloud,dc=com
This server uses Active Directory: [unchecked]
This server pages search results: [unchecked]
This server uses an encrypted connection: [checked]
Use SSL [checked]
Do not verify server certificates [checked]
Username: uid=[Admin User],ou=Users,o=[Your JumpCloud organization ID],dc=JumpCloud,dc=com
Password: [Admin User's password]
Sync Settings
Sync Users: [checked]
User Path: ou=Users,o=[Your JumpCloud Organization ID]
User Object Class: inetOrgPerson
User Email Attribute: mail
Sync Groups: [checked]
Group Path: o=[Your JumpCloud Organization ID]
Group Object Class: groupOfNames
Group Name Attribute: memberOf
When you do a real sync, invitation emails will be sent out to all synced users. Make sure that you're using Mailcatcher so you don't send live emails.
Click the "Test Now" button in Directory Connector. You should get a list of users
When you're ready, click "Sync Now" to perform a real sync. You should receive a confirmation message in Directory Connector, and see the newly invited users in the web vault